
Everything Turns Out Just Fine by Peter Tarnofsky

An anthology of ten short stories.

It is upbeat and proud. It has humour and pathos, wit and sadness, unexpected triumphs and averted disasters.

It cocks a snook at the idea that literary fiction must be serious.

It does not end its stories with failure and slinking off.

It will provoke smiles and hmms. And the occasional aww.

The book was officially launched in August 2013 as part of the Edinburgh eBook Festival.

It was also part-funded via Kickstarter so a big thank-you to all those who contributed.

This little website is the home for everything to do with the book, including extracts and, most importantly, information about how to buy it.

The eBook and paperback are now available.

Photograph of beach at St Ives, Cornwall taken by the author. Crayon-effect sun drawn by the author.